Tuesday, March 3, 2009


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Larry's band played at our ward "Sock Hop" this past Saturday night. Wow...did they do good. They go by the name Bishoprock or Flashback. Most of the members (excluding Larry, and let's keep it that way) have been a bishop or in the bishopric, thus the name Bishoprock. There have been a few times and places they played that they really couldn't use that name so...last summer they came up with "Flashback." I really wish they would play more than just ward parties and work parties...they need to start getting paid!! They have a lot of fun for a bunch of old guys getting together to relive their earlier years...and they are pretty talented too. If you ever get a chance...come "rock" with them. By the way I LOVE being Larry's groupie!!


  1. So I am thinking "Bishop" must be in the near future for Larry! Does he sing? I have always been told my the Hunsaker's men that "they don't sing" Oh wait you don't sing either do you???? LOL

  2. this KILLS me! I didn't know Larry played the guitar! I would love to see this!
