Friday, October 1, 2010

Mission Update

Elder Hunsaker has enjoyed serving the last few months in Santa Julia. This is just the tip of some of the great experiences he has had:

Sang in a Stake Celebration with the other Elders in his District for Chile's Independance Day...can't quite believe I am seeing him singing. LOL

 Celebrated Chile's Independance Day with ton's of BBQ's

And even had a couple of baptisms....

He has now been transferred to La Corvi in the area Quillota. We are anxious to see pictures and hear experiences of his new area!! By the way his new companion is going to be Elder Adams who actually went to Northridge High with Jordan and is on his last 6 weeks of his mission. Jordan is pretty excited to have him as a companion :)

1 comment:

  1. Love these pictures of Jordan...he looks so happy!!! Fun stuff for sure
