Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Jordan's First Baptism

Meet Pedro Romo. This is the sweet boy who's life will hopefully be changed for the rest of his life from two Elders. One which happens to be my son!

Quoting Jordan's email: We had a baptism!!!! It was pretty funny. So Pedro is way short especially for his age. We were going into the font and he was on the last step and he just kind of stopped and hesitated to get in. I looked back at him and the water was already at his chest. When he took the last step he was on his tippy toes and the water was to his neck! ha ha...everyone starting laughing and stuff, it was pretty funny. So while I was doing the baptism I kind of held him up...and then just barely dunked him and he was already all the way under. Everybody thought that it was pretty funny.

After the baptism Elder Hunsaker and Elder Cooper had gotten a cake for Pedro, his sister (both of who's birthdays it was) and also the mother who's birthday was the next day. They were really touched by the gesture of a simple cake. Even the bishop kept thanking them. As Jordan put it, "It was a pretty tight night!"

Elder Cooper, Pedro's family and Elder Hunsaker

The week before they had another baptism. This was Jordan's first to have out in the field. Elder Cooper did the baptism and Elder Hunsaker gave a talk at Ceasar's baptism. (He is 11 years old)

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