Wednesday, August 11, 2010


So awhile ago I posted that something was going to happen....well it did. I was called to be the Relief Society President. Why? I have no stinking idea!! I have been so overwhelmed with the call, work (two jobs), football boosters and just being a wife and mom.

Is my house a mess?? Yes. Do I get my dishes done? No. Do I have to talk A LOT on the phone?Yes. Is everyone happy with this change in our ward? No. Do I have anxiety, ulcers, melt downs, tears and sometimes depression? YES!!

But guess what....through it all I have the BEST HUSBAND, SONS, MOTHER, and FRIENDS to help pull me through. The best person I have is HEAVENLY FATHER. He has truly blessed us since this calling that I could never doubt his blessings or serving him. We now have a permanent job, benefits, another car (no more sharing for Matt and me),  good health AND I have a missionary being protected over in a scary area...What more could I ask for!!

As a friend said to me....If the Lord brings you to it, He will see you through it.


  1. I didn't know you were the RS president! You're perfect for the job. You're the best- and I'm glad you're receiving blessings! Love you!

  2. After all the support and love you have given to others throughout your life, I can honestly understand how come the Lord thinks you are qualified to fill this calling. Love you Becky and call if you need help with anything. So excited for the sisters in your ward and the blessing you will be to all of them!

  3. Hi, Becky,

    We've never met, but I stumbled on your blog when doing some research for a friend who's daughter thought she'd get called to Chile on her mission. The Lord redirected her to Guatemala! Anyway, I love your writing and started looking for your posts. You are blessed with a good way of touching people. I hope you don't mind! Sometime, could you post a picture of you and your husband when you wed? It would be nice to see how the journey started. And it would be fun to hear about your RSPrez adventures. Best wishes from a reader back east...
