Sunday, June 13, 2010


This is ME...Do I look old? Do I look frazzled? Do I look like I can handle the world? If you look real close I DO look old, frazzled, and feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders. I work two jobs and I am the football booster president and I think I should have the look on my face that my sweet niece Emmy has on her face.

Why all this you ask? Well...that is the burning question that I am asking myself and will share with you in a few weeks. Until then....all I can say is hummmmm.....really???

1 comment:

  1. You must be the new RS president. (You can delete this post if you don't want anyone to see.)

    I think you are forging your irons in the fires of life. Ether 12:27 seems fitting, right?
