Saturday, January 3, 2009

Measuring Up

Ever since the boys were little I have measured their height on the pantry door. Mom used to measure me growing up and I love the tradition. I usually measure them every year on their birthday and sometimes half way through the year. Well this year I forgot until about a week today while in the shower I finally remembered and they were both home (thus the curlers in my hair). So..I went to measure the boys and for the first time ever I had to stand on a chair. What is up with that!! Jordan is just a little bit taller than Matt right now but Matt is taller than Jordan was at 16.

Of course we couldn't leave coco or cocoa (we still can't decide on a spelling) out of the measuring. Too cute huh!!


  1. I'm a super fan of the curlers, first of all! My family used to do this too.... We haven't done it for a long time though- so it would be funny to see who's grown/shrunk.. :) You're boys are getting so tall... and handsome!

  2. Of course your boys are cute, but Coco/Cocoa really steals the show here!!! We have measured our kids too over the years and John just paints around it :) Think I might buy a special board and transfer them over...someday when I have time, like the 12th of never. JK
